Friday, October 10, 2014

If you call me mad

For Challenge Day 10

Call me mad if you want to
For I don't belong to the
world of yours
And yes I saw the shrink twice
in my life
Once when I forgot the world
And then  when you forgot me.

I keep counting stars and moons
The lunar always has an effect on me
And scribbler in me scribbles on
For that is my destiny

Loved I have many a times
Sometimes it is the road side dog
Sometimes a human like me
And yes I saw the shrink twice
Once when I forgot the world
And then when you forgot me.

Enjoy the madness.


Vinay Leo R. said...

wow, Philomel! that refrain couplet...

"once when I forgot the world,
and then when you forgot me."

that keeps returning to mind, and it is the most beautiful part of the poem I feel. Loved it.

Amiya chatterjee said...

This is universal law ,
When beautiful poets
Write beautiful poem,
Men like me go mad
And falls in love
With such poet

Mark said...

I like the refrain.

seekingmeme said...

Once when I forgot the world
And then when you forgot me.

I love these two lines! It reminds me that sometimes the need for therapy is due to the mental illness and other times it's due to the actions of other people. And the final statement is how I live my life now - enjoy the madness! :)

Sunita said...

You caught the essence of the prompt perfectly Philo :)