Wednesday, November 5, 2008

some ponderings

1.Its is raining outside,
all I feel is draught here,
random feelings accumulate,
and disappear like vapour,
nothing touches my soul,
no wetness
all is but dry and coarse............................

2. As I move towards the mirror,
I see the reflection of somebody
that resembles me,
or is it me or somebody else's
I just stare along.........................

3.Some friends called,
a wedding is there on sunday eve,
and I feel a twitch,
my hand moves up to my face,
to feel the fines lines,
a pain creeps in,
though eyes are blank..................

4.the day ends,
and night crawls in,
the night is not dark,
but I feel a darkness
in my heart and my mind,
lying in the bed,
wait for day to come.................

1 comment:

Neerz said...

too deep dear
the depth of thoughts is gr8

and the way to presnt is gr8 in all the posts

keep goin and lemme hav a chance to look new posts tooo

