Wednesday, October 30, 2013


OctPoWriMo Challenge 2013 day 30

As she lay on the bed
the thought of her
previous night lover
(if only she could call him so
rather more sort of a customer)
and the remains of the night
strained her nerves
she needs a drink
she said to herself
and it is going to be
a long long day
waiting for the night to fall
another lover
or may be
the old one
who knows
she has a house to run
a child to feed
a face to paint
a lip to colour
scars to hide
a future only to dream.

Prostitution is such an age old social issue all over the world..some countries legalised it..and even have unions for them. In India the scenario is different..we fail to provide respect to these women who may run such a business due to their own necessities.

1 comment:

Annis Cassells said...

Philomel, these lines made me catch my breath:

she has a house to run
a child to feed
a face to paint
a lip to colour
scars to hide
a future only to dream.

Your words bring her to reality; maybe she's our neighbor. Thank you. xoA